Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Guardian

When I close my door, you open it up
When I stray away, you pull me by your side
When I say it's impossible, you tell me to try

You've always protected me. No matter what.
When others fall, you are the first to stand up

You've always been there
Even if you're gone, you're here
In my heart
With you, I can face the dark

Gentle giant,
Compassionate king,
Wounded hero that bleeds,
Yet strives on
For what he believes.
Never gives up.

Times struggles to catch up
But you leave it behind
Tell it to eat your dust

I know one day you'll be gone
Because time will eventually catch up,
But he'll be out of breath,
And he'll only catch you beacause
You stopped to rest.
He'll take you to Death
Who will have his hands full
Just trying to take you down.
You've rested and are ready for anything
To come your way.

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word = speaking/singing
(word) = whispering/echo
[word] = stern voice/screaming